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帖子  xiaofeifei 周二 九月 27, 2011 6:32 am

For very short period of time, there was a set of clones Zuma which did not differ neither rules, nor a game essence, and have been only added by graphic themes.wow gold cheap ,

For today, probably, it is impossible to find the person who is the user of the personal computer and though time did not stay behind game the free time.rs money , Zuma rank as a number casual games which are calculated to simple users, and do not demand special knowledge or abilities.china tour , Rules are simple and accessible to everyone.cheap rift gold , Abreast with game Zuma it is possible to put all kinds of tetrises, versions Lines and other puzzles.

The primary purpose in game is to group one-colour spheres which move ahead on a labyrinth to a precipice. In the middle of a field there is a frog with which help you and should shoot a chain. If to two nearby to standing spheres you add the third they disappear, considerably increasing a way of spheres to a precipice. For such shots to you points are added.

Zuma also has system of bonuses and additional possibilities. Than more than stages and modes you pass - that above your status. Thus to you time advantages in the form of the cursor specifying precisely a direction of flight of sphere, bonus addition of points and other advantages can be added. For each 50000 you receive an additional life, that is possibility to pass a stage.

All rules and councils are applicable to any version Zuma as games almost precisely repeat a classical variant. Among the most known clones it is possible to allocate Luxor, Dynasty and others which differ from a primary variant with theme and inte***ce.

Last version of game can be found in the Internet and on site Zuma Deluxe. Process of installation and adjustment will not occupy a lot of time, and game for a long time will distract you from another matters. All that necessary to do is download Zuma and immediately start playing, plunging into virtual world Zuma.


帖子数 : 15
注册日期 : 11-06-13

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