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帖子  vivi001 周四 六月 09, 2011 5:52 am

*Canned tomato meizitang botanical slimming can be used providing you cannot get a home-made one, preferably one, with pieces of tomatoes inside.
<br>** People, who do not consume red meat, can exchange this meizitang soft gel meal with half a grilled chicken or meizitang gel 250 grams of cooked or grilled turkey. No salt allowed.
This 7 days routine is only for absolutely healthy organism and it is not prescribed by a nutritionist. However, along with the soup, it will allow you losing approximately quarter meizitang botanical pound a week. According to nutritionists, no weight loss diet is good, but if consumed along with the celery soup, it provides meizitang slimming capsule satisfactory results. Of course, additional 15 minutes of any kind of exercise per day is obligatory.


帖子数 : 5
注册日期 : 11-06-09

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