Consume celery
Consume celery
Day six:
<br>Consume chanel bags 200 grams of rice, cooked and drained. Spice with rs gold a tea spoon of low fat butter and as much pepper, chili and garlic you can. pandora bracelets No salt allowed. rs money Consume lettuce with it, spiced with lemon juice. Consume celery runescape gold
soup twice this day. Drink up to two liters of water or tea.
<br>Consume chanel bags 200 grams of rice, cooked and drained. Spice with rs gold a tea spoon of low fat butter and as much pepper, chili and garlic you can. pandora bracelets No salt allowed. rs money Consume lettuce with it, spiced with lemon juice. Consume celery runescape gold
soup twice this day. Drink up to two liters of water or tea.
vivi001- 帖子数 : 5
注册日期 : 11-06-09